Section 4.1: Antenna Types #
Imagine you’re at a party, trying to talk to a friend across a noisy room. You might cup your hands around your mouth to direct your voice, or turn your ear towards your friend to hear better. Antennas in radio work similarly - they’re all about directing radio energy where you want it to go, and picking up signals you want to hear.
There are many different types of antennas, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some take more space, some are directional, some have more gain. The trick is to find the antenna that works best for your situation – and most hams end up with several different antennas for various purposes.
Antenna Gain #
When we talk about antenna gain, we’re referring to how well an antenna concentrates radio waves in a particular direction compared to a reference antenna (usually a dipole or isotropic radiator). Higher gain means your signal is stronger in the favored direction, but weaker in others. It’s like changing the bulb and reflector for a flashlight - you might get a brighter beam, but in a narrower area. Gain is typically measured in dBi (decibels relative to an isotropic radiator) or dBd (decibels relative to a dipole).
Basic Antenna Types #
Dipoles: The Swiss Army knife of antennas. A half-wavelength dipole is typically oriented parallel to the Earth’s surface, making it horizontally polarized. Stand it up vertically, and you’ve got a vertical dipole! Dipoles radiate strongest broadside to the antenna.
Monopoles: Like a dipole standing on its end, with the ground (or your car, or your handheld radio) acting as the other half. Quarter-wave verticals are a common type of monopole.
5/8 Wave Verticals: Offer more gain than a 1/4 wave vertical, typically about 3 dB. Popular for VHF and UHF mobile operations. 5/8 wave verticals are a bit more complicated to make and take up more room, but the gain can be totally worth it!
J-pole: Shaped like the letter J, it’s essentially a half-wave antenna fed at one end. Popular for VHF and UHF because it’s easy to build and doesn’t require a ground plane.
Beam Antennas: Like the Yagi, these concentrate your signal in one direction, giving you more ‘bang for your watt’.
Loop Antennas: Come in various shapes and sizes, great for small spaces like attics or balconies.
Antenna Length and Frequency #
The length of an antenna is related to its resonant frequency. The longer the antenna, the lower the resonant frequency. Here’s a handy formula for dipole length:
Here’s a table of example lengths for different bands:
Band | Frequency | Half-wave length | Quarter-wave length |
10m | 28 MHz | 200 inches | 100 inches |
6m | 50 MHz | 112 inches | 56 inches |
2m | 146 MHz | 38 inches | 19 inches |
1.25m | 222 MHz | 25 inches | 12.5 inches |
70cm | 440 MHz | 13 inches | 6.5 inches |
Shortened Antennas #
Sometimes we need to make antennas electrically longer without increasing their physical length. This is where loading comes in. By adding inductors to the radiating elements, we can make a shorter antenna behave like a longer one. It doesn’t perform as well as a full-length antenna, but it’s much more compact.
Antennas Requiring Tuners #
Some antennas are designed to work across a wide range of frequencies but aren’t naturally resonant at any of them. These include:
Random Wire Antennas: These are just what they sound like - a wire of random length used as an antenna. They can be effective, especially for portable operations, but almost always require a tuner.
Multi-band Dipoles: These are dipoles designed to work on multiple bands, but they’re often not perfectly resonant on all of them. A tuner can help match the impedance on the non-resonant bands.
Magnetic Loop Antennas: These compact antennas are great for restricted spaces but have a very narrow bandwidth. They require careful tuning each time you change frequency.
An antenna tuner helps match the impedance of these antennas to your radio, reducing SWR and allowing efficient power transfer. However, it’s important to note that a tuner doesn’t actually “tune” the antenna - it just matches impedances. It doesn’t improve an antenna’s radiation efficiency.
Remember, the “best” antenna is the one that gets you on the air and having fun. As a new ham, you’ll probably start with something simple like a dipole or a vertical. But don’t be afraid to experiment! Your antenna farm can grow with your experience. The most important thing is to get out there and join the conversation!