Section 3.3: How Signals Travel

Section 3.3: How Signals Travel #

When you toss a pebble into a pond, you see ripples spreading out in all directions. Radio waves behave in a similar way, but instead of traveling across water, they propagate through space. Let’s explore the fascinating ways radio signals travel from transmitter to receiver and the factors that can affect their journey.

Propagation types at different frequency ranges

Ground Wave Propagation #

Imagine you’re dragging a long rope across a field. The rope doesn’t travel in a straight line; it follows the contours of the ground. This is similar to how low-frequency radio waves travel along the Earth’s surface. This method of propagation is called ground wave.

  • Most effective for frequencies below 2 MHz (e.g., the 160-meter band)
  • Used by AM radio stations and time signal stations
  • Can follow the curvature of the Earth for hundreds of miles
  • Affected by the conductivity of the ground (travels further over seawater than dry land)

Line-of-Sight (LOS) Propagation #

Picture yourself on a hilltop with a friend. You can communicate easily because you can see each other. This is the essence of line-of-sight propagation.

  • Common for VHF and UHF frequencies
  • Signals travel in a straight line from transmitter to receiver
  • Limited by the curvature of the Earth (typically up to about 100 miles)
  • Can be extended by using higher antennas or repeaters on high points

However, even with line-of-sight signals, things aren’t always as simple as they seem. Multipath propagation occurs when signals reflect off various surfaces like buildings or mountains, causing them to take different paths to reach the receiver. When these multiple signals arrive slightly out of sync, they can either cancel out or reinforce each other, leading to signal strength varying greatly, sometimes just by moving your antenna a few feet!

But what if your line of sight to a distant repeater is blocked by buildings or other obstacles? In such cases, you might be able to communicate by finding a path that reflects your signal off a nearby surface, such as a building or a mountain, and redirects it toward the repeater. This technique takes advantage of reflections to bypass obstacles and can be particularly useful when using a directional antenna. By carefully aiming your antenna, you can often find a reflection path that allows your signal to reach the repeater, even when a direct line of sight isn’t possible.

This ability to use reflected signals adds another layer of flexibility to VHF and UHF communications, especially in urban environments where obstacles are common.

Picket fencing is a term used to describe the rapid fluttering or fading effect often heard when a mobile signal is affected by multipath propagation, especially at VHF and UHF frequencies. It sounds like the signal is cutting in and out as you move, similar to driving past a picket fence where the view alternates between clear and obstructed.

Knife-edge diffraction is another phenomenon that can help signals bend around obstacles. Imagine a sharp edge, like the top of a mountain or a building, standing between you and the signal source. The radio waves can “bend” around this edge and continue on to the receiver, making communication possible even when there’s no clear line of sight. This diffraction effect is particularly useful in mountainous or urban areas where obstacles are common. It explains why signals can sometimes be heard beyond an obstruction, a scenario known as Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) communication.

Sky Wave Propagation #

Imagine bouncing a ball off the ceiling to reach someone across the room. Sky wave propagation works similarly, but instead of a ceiling, radio waves bounce off layers of the ionosphere.

  • Most effective in the HF band (3 MHz to 30 MHz), i.e., the 80-meter to 10-meter bands
  • Most important for long-distance (DX) communication on HF bands
  • Signals can travel thousands of miles with multiple “hops”
  • Highly variable depending on time of day, season, and solar activity
  • Different layers of the ionosphere reflect different frequencies at different times

Sometimes, signals propagated by the ionosphere can experience irregular fading. This is often due to the random combining of signals arriving via different paths, which can cause them to interfere with each other, leading to unpredictable signal strengths.

For example, during periods of high solar activity, the F region of the ionosphere becomes more ionized, which allows for long-distance communication on bands like 10 meters and 6 meters. The best time for long-distance 10-meter band propagation via the F region is typically from dawn to shortly after sunset during these periods of high sunspot activity. This is because the F region is most effective at reflecting signals during daylight hours, particularly when the Sun is at its peak, enhancing ionization.

Another interesting propagation mode related to the ionosphere is auroral backscatter. When VHF signals encounter the aurora, they can be scattered back to Earth. However, these signals are often distorted and fluctuate in strength, making communication challenging but fascinating for those interested in space weather effects.

Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) Propagation #

NVIS propagation is like throwing a ball almost straight up to have it come back down nearby. In radio terms, NVIS allows for short- to medium-range communication over rough terrain or when obstacles block the line of sight. It’s particularly useful in mountainous regions, forests, or for emergency communications.

  • Best Bands: NVIS works primarily in the low HF bands such as 80 meters and 40 meters. It is most effective at frequencies between 2 MHz and 10 MHz.
  • How It Works: NVIS signals are transmitted almost straight up (at steep angles) toward the ionosphere, which then reflects the signals back down over a radius of up to a few hundred miles. This method helps to cover areas where ground-wave or line-of-sight propagation would be ineffective.
  • Ideal Conditions: The D layer of the ionosphere, which typically absorbs lower HF signals during the day, becomes less active at night. Thus, NVIS is often more effective in the early morning, late afternoon, and nighttime. It also tends to work better when solar activity is moderate, as too much ionization can prevent lower frequencies from reflecting back down.

Why Use NVIS? In regions with hills, forests, or urban environments where obstacles block direct signals, NVIS can provide reliable communication where line-of-sight or ground-wave propagation fails. Emergency response teams, military communications, and amateurs in remote areas often rely on NVIS to maintain local and regional communication links.

When setting up for NVIS operation, antennas should be low to the ground—typically 0.1 to 0.25 wavelengths high. For the 80-meter band, that means positioning the antenna only about 10 to 20 feet above the ground. A horizontal dipole or loop antenna works best for NVIS, as these create the high-angle radiation pattern needed to send signals upward.

Sporadic E Propagation #

Sporadic E propagation is another exciting phenomenon that can occur within the ionosphere. This mode is most commonly associated with the 10, 6, and 2-meter bands and can allow for strong signals from beyond the usual radio horizon.

  • Sporadic E occurs when patches of intense ionization form in the E layer of the ionosphere, reflecting signals that would normally pass through this layer back to Earth.
  • This can result in unexpectedly strong signals over distances of a few hundred to over a thousand miles, often leading to brief but powerful openings on these bands.
  • Sporadic E propagation is most common during late spring and summer, with another peak in mid-winter.

This type of propagation can catch operators by surprise, as it allows for long-distance communication well beyond the normal line-of-sight range, making it one of the most intriguing and unpredictable propagation modes in the VHF and lower UHF bands.

Tropospheric Ducting #

Think of the way sound travels further on a foggy day. Tropospheric propagation is somewhat similar, involving the lower atmosphere. Tropospheric ducting is like nature’s own waveguide. When there’s a temperature inversion in the atmosphere, it can create a ‘duct’ that VHF and UHF signals can travel through for hundreds of miles. It’s like your signal hitching a ride on a highway in the sky!

  • Affects VHF and UHF signals
  • Can extend range beyond line-of-sight
  • Enhanced by temperature inversions and weather fronts
  • Can create temporary “ducts” that guide signals for hundreds of miles

Scatter Propagation #

Picture throwing a handful of pebbles at a wall. They scatter in various directions. Radio waves can behave similarly when they hit certain obstacles. Meteor scatter is one of the coolest ways to make contacts. When a meteor burns up in the atmosphere, it leaves a trail of ionized particles that can reflect radio waves. It’s like playing ping-pong with a shooting star! These reflections only last for a few seconds, but that’s often enough to make a contact if you’re quick.

  • Types include ionospheric scatter, tropospheric scatter, and meteor scatter
  • Can provide communication beyond line-of-sight
  • Often results in weak but usable signals

The 6-meter band is particularly well-suited for meteor scatter communications. The ionized trails left by meteors provide a temporary but effective means to reflect radio signals, making it possible to communicate over distances well beyond the line of sight.

Factors Affecting Propagation #

Several factors influence how radio waves travel:

  1. Frequency: Lower frequencies tend to follow the ground and diffract around obstacles better. Higher frequencies are more line-of-sight but can penetrate the ionosphere.

  2. Power: Higher power can overcome path loss and noise, increasing effective range.

  3. Antenna height and gain: Higher antennas often have better range. Directional antennas can focus energy in specific directions.

  4. Time of day and season: The ionosphere changes dramatically between day and night and across seasons, affecting HF propagation.

  5. Solar activity: Sunspots and solar flares can dramatically affect ionospheric propagation.

  6. Terrain: Hills, buildings, and other obstacles can block or reflect signals.

  7. Weather: Certain weather conditions can enhance or degrade propagation, especially at VHF and above. For example, precipitation, such as rain or snow, can absorb signals at microwave frequencies, reducing their range. However, for lower frequencies like 10 meters and 6 meters, fog and rain have little effect on signal propagation.

  8. Vegetation: Trees and other vegetation can absorb UHF and microwave signals, weakening them as they pass through.

  9. Atmospheric Refraction: The atmosphere can slightly bend radio waves, allowing VHF and UHF signals to travel slightly beyond the visual horizon. This is why the radio horizon for these signals is typically farther than the visual horizon.

Lastly, multi-path propagation can have significant effects on data transmissions. When multiple paths combine at the receiver, they can cause errors in the data, leading to an increase in error rates. This is particularly important when working with digital modes.

Understanding these propagation methods is crucial for successful amateur radio operation. By choosing the right frequency and mode for the conditions, you can communicate across town or across the globe.

Remember, part of the excitement of amateur radio is the variability of propagation. Conditions that make a contact possible one day might not exist the next. This unpredictability adds an element of challenge and discovery to every QSO (contact).

As you gain experience, you’ll develop a feel for which bands are “open” at different times. You’ll learn to read propagation forecasts, understand the impact of solar activity, and maybe even contribute to our collective understanding of radio wave propagation through your own observations and experiments. That’s the beauty of amateur radio—every operator is potentially a scientist, pushing the boundaries of our knowledge about how signals travel!

Possible Exam Questions:

T3C07: What band is best suited for communicating via meteor scatter?
  • Answer:33 centimeters
  • Answer:6 meters
  • Answer:2 meters
  • Answer:70 centimeters
T3C08: What causes tropospheric ducting?
  • Answer:Discharges of lightning during electrical storms
  • Answer:Sunspots and solar flares
  • Answer:Updrafts from hurricanes and tornadoes
  • Answer:Temperature inversions in the atmosphere
T3A05: When using a directional antenna, how might your station be able to communicate with a distant repeater if buildings or obstructions are blocking the direct line of sight path?
  • Answer:Change from vertical to horizontal polarization
  • Answer:Try to find a path that reflects signals to the repeater
  • Answer:Try the long path
  • Answer:Increase the antenna SWR
T3A07: What weather condition might decrease range at microwave frequencies?
  • Answer:High winds
  • Answer:Low barometric pressure
  • Answer:Precipitation
  • Answer:Colder temperatures
T3A08: What is a likely cause of irregular fading of signals propagated by the ionosphere?
  • Answer:Frequency shift due to Faraday rotation
  • Answer:Interference from thunderstorms
  • Answer:Intermodulation distortion
  • Answer:Random combining of signals arriving via different paths
T3A10: What effect does multi-path propagation have on data transmissions?
  • Answer:Transmission rates must be increased by a factor equal to the number of separate paths observed
  • Answer:Transmission rates must be decreased by a factor equal to the number of separate paths observed
  • Answer:No significant changes will occur if the signals are transmitted using FM
  • Answer:Error rates are likely to increase
T3A11: Which region of the atmosphere can refract or bend HF and VHF radio waves?
  • Answer:The stratosphere
  • Answer:The troposphere
  • Answer:The ionosphere
  • Answer:The mesosphere
T3A12: What is the effect of fog and rain on signals in the 10 meter and 6 meter bands?
  • Answer:Absorption
  • Answer:There is little effect
  • Answer:Deflection
  • Answer:Range increase
T3C01: Why are simplex UHF signals rarely heard beyond their radio horizon?
  • Answer:They are too weak to go very far
  • Answer:FCC regulations prohibit them from going more than 50 miles
  • Answer:UHF signals are usually not propagated by the ionosphere
  • Answer:UHF signals are absorbed by the ionospheric D region
T3C02: What is a characteristic of HF communication compared with communications on VHF and higher frequencies?
  • Answer:HF antennas are generally smaller
  • Answer:HF accommodates wider bandwidth signals
  • Answer:Long-distance ionospheric propagation is far more common on HF
  • Answer:There is less atmospheric interference (static) on HF
T3C03: What is a characteristic of VHF signals received via auroral backscatter?
  • Answer:They are often received from 10,000 miles or more
  • Answer:They are distorted and signal strength varies considerably
  • Answer:They occur only during winter nighttime hours
  • Answer:They are generally strongest when your antenna is aimed west
T3C04: Which of the following types of propagation is most commonly associated with occasional strong signals on the 10, 6, and 2 meter bands from beyond the radio horizon?
  • Answer:Backscatter
  • Answer:Sporadic E
  • Answer:D region absorption
  • Answer:Gray-line propagation
T3C05: Which of the following effects may allow radio signals to travel beyond obstructions between the transmitting and receiving stations?
  • Answer:Knife-edge diffraction
  • Answer:Faraday rotation
  • Answer:Quantum tunneling
  • Answer:Doppler shift
T3C06: What type of propagation is responsible for allowing over-the-horizon VHF and UHF communications to ranges of approximately 300 miles on a regular basis?
  • Answer:Tropospheric ducting
  • Answer:D region refraction
  • Answer:F2 region refraction
  • Answer:Faraday rotation
T3C09: What is generally the best time for long-distance 10 meter band propagation via the F region?
  • Answer:From dawn to shortly after sunset during periods of high sunspot activity
  • Answer:From shortly after sunset to dawn during periods of high sunspot activity
  • Answer:From dawn to shortly after sunset during periods of low sunspot activity
  • Answer:From shortly after sunset to dawn during periods of low sunspot activity
T3C10: Which of the following bands may provide long-distance communications via the ionosphere’s F region during the peak of the sunspot cycle?
  • Answer:6 and 10 meters
  • Answer:23 centimeters
  • Answer:70 centimeters and 1.25 meters
  • Answer:All these choices are correct
T3A01: Why do VHF signal strengths sometimes vary greatly when the antenna is moved only a few feet?
  • Answer:The signal path encounters different concentrations of water vapor
  • Answer:VHF ionospheric propagation is very sensitive to path length
  • Answer:Multipath propagation cancels or reinforces signals
  • Answer:All these choices are correct
T3A02: What is the effect of vegetation on UHF and microwave signals?
  • Answer:Knife-edge diffraction
  • Answer:Absorption
  • Answer:Amplification
  • Answer:Polarization rotation
T3A06: What is the meaning of the term “picket fencing”?
  • Answer:Alternating transmissions during a net operation
  • Answer:Rapid flutter on mobile signals due to multipath propagation
  • Answer:A type of ground system used with vertical antennas
  • Answer:Local vs long-distance communications
T3C11: Why is the radio horizon for VHF and UHF signals more distant than the visual horizon?
  • Answer:Radio signals move somewhat faster than the speed of light
  • Answer:Radio waves are not blocked by dust particles
  • Answer:The atmosphere refracts radio waves slightly
  • Answer:Radio waves are blocked by dust particles