Table of Contents #
- 1. Introduction
- Part 1. Science
- Part 2. Person
- Chapter 5. Safety
- Chapter 6. Station Control
- Section 6.1: Station Accessories
- Section 6.2: Interference and Grounding
- Section 6.3: Operating Controls for FM Transceivers
- Section 6.4: Operating Controls for All-Mode Transceivers
- Section 6.5: Receiver, Transmitter, Transceiver
- Section 6.6: Repeater Operation
- Section 6.7: Interference and Troubleshooting
- Section 6.8: Basic Repair and Testing
- Chapter 7. General Operation
- Chapter 8. Rules and Regulations
- Section 8.1: ITU Regions
- Section 8.2: Authorized Frequencies
- Section 8.3: Frequency Allocations and Band Sharing
- Section 8.4: Operator Classes, Privileges, and Call Signs
- Section 8.5: Station Identification
- Section 8.6: Authorized and Prohibited Transmissions
- Section 8.7: Control Operator and Control Types
- Conclusion